Recent research advancements on autologous adipose tissue, stem cells and growth factors, have demonstrated that administration of prepared patient’s own adipose tissue causes revitalization, improvement in blood circulation and tissue restoration.
Duration of the treatment: Depending on the area to be treated 1-2 hours
Type of anaesthesia: local anesthesia, possibly with oral sedative
Outpatient treatment. Return to everyday routine in about 3 days.
A mild liposuction procedure yields the desirable amount of fat cells using very thin needles. These cells are immediately processed and finally introduced into the treated area without skin incisions.
Since the introduced fatty tissue may be absorbed to a variable degree, several procedures are sometimes required.
After the operation:
Local cooling
Elevated position of the head in order to avoid swelling and bruising
Using makeup in about 2 days
Shampooing within 2 days